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    The 3rd generation transformer PD onlineBritish expert professor Wu Xinyan gave Congratulation for the qualification of Boyuan passed smoothly reexamination of Warm congratulations on the opening of tBo Yuan Invited to the Seminar of China Warm congratulations on the Onsite MonitOur Presence at the 13th China East-WestBo Yuan Awarded with State Innovation FuBo Yuan Passed Re-examination of ISO9000Online Vibration Monitoring System for 7Fruitful September Bo Yuan’s ISO9000 Re-Examination Congratulations on Bo Yuan Awarded with The Xi’an Major Innovation Project, RespBo Yuan Attends 3rd China International Doctor Xu Yang and Doctor Xi Bao Feng GoCongratulations on Bo Yuan Awarded an InThe company attend the 2007 national pow2007 New year blessing The Science and technology type medium-sBoyuan Attended China International HighSuccessfully pass the checking of ISO-90Our company gains the technological awarOur company `s system found the malfunctBoyuan 2006 New Year Evening Exciting news in Dec Boyuan Passed Certification of Over-voltBoyuan’s Nanyang (Over-Voltage) Project Successfully Pass Certification of ISO-9Boyuan Attended “National Overhaul TechnExciting News in July !Congratulations for the Cooperation AgreCongratulations! Boyuan Won Another PateCongratulations for Online Monitoring SeCongratulations! Boyuan Signed a CooperaInvited for Insulating and Integrative OCongratulations for the 4th Session of tBoyuan Attended China International HighCongratulations! Zhumadian Cable AccomplBoyuan 2005 New Year Party Congratulations! Our Changqing IntegratiCongratulations! Boyuan awarded An InvenCongratulations! Boyuan sponsored by “In
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    ADD: Room B409, Boyuan building Xi’an Jiaotong University Science Park NO.99, Yanxiang Road Xi’an 710054
    Tel: 086-029-83399507 ShaanXi ICP: 05010764